Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan
Peneliti Utama
Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan is an energy expert staff in the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Outstanding ASEAN Science Diplomat 2020 and expert panelist for Indonesian Presidential Debate 2019 on energy and environment issues. He has research passion in Renewable Energy Systems and Applications for Sustainable Development. Realising Indonesia is an archipelagic country with more than 17,000 islands which many of small & remote islands are lacking of electricity supply, he undertook study focusing on utilising renewable energy resources to generate electricity. He obtained PhD in Renewable Energy and Power Systems from Curtin University, Australia; MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering from The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden and BEng in Electrical Engineering from UGM, where he is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics.
He is actively involved in the Working Group on Energy Self Sufficient Program for Indonesia within the Institute of Research and Community Services of UGM and an active member of Indonesian Renewable Energy Society. He is involved in the project development of hybrid power system for outermost island of Marampit, in cooperation with the Ministry of Research and Technology Indonesia. He is a clean energy specialist for World Bank on Improving Energy Project Delivery (IEPD) at Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and expert staff in formulating Draft of Local Government Regulation on Renewable Energy for Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. He is an Indonesian Expert Resource Person for Mapping Research and Development on Renewable Energy Technologies and Policies in ASEAN by ASEAN – German Energy Programme (AGEP) & ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), and winner of Mondialogo Engineering Award sponsored by UNESCO & Daimler. This work draws some other awards: PII Engineering Award from The Institution of Engineers Indonesia, Australian Alumni Award for Sustainable Economic and Social Development from Australian Embassy in Indonesia; Energy Globe Award and Ambassador from Austrian Energy Foundation, the Outstanding Flagship Project recognition in the Global Regional Centre of Expertises RCE Conference Okayama, Japan, and also The Professional Achievement Award Science & Engineering in the Curtin University Alumni Achievement Awards.
Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan is the recipient of Habibie Award in Engineering from The Habibie Center (a foundation owned by former President of Indonesia), a Fellow of ASEAN Science and Technology by USAID, ASEAN Science Leadership Program Fellow, and a visiting Professor in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain through Erasmus+ Program. He is an Instructor in HOMER Training for Power System Planning with High Share of Variable Renewable Energy in Island Grids by GIZ Germany, Instructor in Regional Workshop & Exhibition on Appropriate Renewable Energy Technologies for Application by Rural Communities in Indonesia by DANIDA – Royal Danish Embassy and Co-Course Designer and Lecturer on Renewable Energy Technologies and Policy Short Course Awards by Australian Government.
Video Profiles: Australia Awards Scholarships: https://youtu.be/m9g1M_ROd5E, Curtin University: https://youtu.be/1P5q3cX9EPU